In my previous post I described looking at myself in the mirror and noticing weight gain. There was a subtle nuance that I was not aware of until I spoke to a colleague at work. Non-fatal self injury/harm accompanies some folks experience with strong emotion. On a broad sense, self-harm serves a number of functions for individuals trying to cope with overwhelming emotion. First, there is the release of energy and feeling through psychical pain. Second, there is the mere desire to "feel" something- anything amid the bleakness of depression. For others, and this is where I think I was touching on last week, is the desire have a physical representation of an "illness" that you cannot see. I wonder if my emotional binge eating and neglect for my health was a form of self-harming behaviour. I feel that having something physical to attach to an invisible struggle validated (s) that indeed my experience is/was real.
I am moved by the generous donations that have been in through my "GoFundme" site. I have connected with the Executive Director of the Waterloo Suicide Prevention Council and we are meeting Monday to firm my fundraising campaign. If you wish to donate- please click on the link below.
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