Donations to the Waterloo Suicide Prevention Council

Monday, 30 March 2015

Ready? Set? GO!

A number of people have asked me why I selected running out of the myriad of other forms of aerobic exercise. I think growing up in a "running family" swayed my decision. However, there is an aspect of running that I find peaceful. I have never been a fan of gyms and fitness centres. Running provides me with a solitary outlet; an opportunity to be outside and alone with my thoughts. Another aspect I have always enjoyed about running is that it fits so easily into my schedule. All I need is a route, training shoes and some water. When I completed the Toronto Half Marathon a number of years ago, I was fittest and mentally sound I had ever been. That's a version of myself I want back; I always ask my clients "whats has worked that you're not doing right now?" For me, it was training for a goal- reaching a finish line and patting myself on the back after a job well done.

I was thinking today, I am going to try and take as many pictures of my training, nutrition and accomplishments along the way. I love the idea of having a photo journal. Also, as I read more about mental health and running, I will gladly post those little factoids in my writing.

Tomorrow is my first training day. I've committed to training 6 days a week. Coincidentally, Monday's will be my rest day- so I "took the night off" this evening. Aaron Grainge from FitPrograms was kind enough to make me a two day a week strength training program. Strength training will literally give me the anaerobic strength to complete the race. In terms of running, the idea is not to run your farthest distance over and over again; I will run my farthest run once a week. Also, I am going to do as many runs as possible outside and not on a treadmill. Learning to pace myself was something I found difficult during my last run. A treadmill sets the pace for you- thus making it hard to train your body to do it for itself. Two of my runs will be medium in length and I will have one shorter easy run a week. Below is my schedule.

Monday- Rest
Tuesday- Medium
Wednesday- Strength Training
Friday-Short Run
Saturday-Long Run 
Sunday-Strength Training 

An update of my various assessments. In an effort to avoid measuring my mere proficiency at taking the two mental health scales- I will only assess myself once a month. Furthermore, I will report on my weight and medication use twice a month. And finally, I will share my experiences as they come to me throughout the week.

Thank you everyone for your support.

PLEASE DONATE to Waterloo-Kitchener Suicide Prevention

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Waterloo Suicide Prevention Council